

杨瑞枝课题组在Journal of Power Sources上发表论文


标题:Dealloyed PdCu3 thin film ele ctrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reacti on

作者:Ruizhi Yang,*, Weiyong Bian, Peter Strasser, Michael F. Toney
摘要:The catalytic ac tivity of el ectrochemically dealloyed PdCu3 thin films for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR )in acidic media has be en stud ied by using a rotatin g disk electrode (RDE). The dea lloyed PdCu3 thin films
show a w2.0 fold increase in the speci fi c oxygen reduction activity over pure Pd t hin fi lm s. The structure of electrochemically dea lloyed PdCu3 thin films ha s been investig ated at an atomic scal e by synchrotron-based anoma lous X-ray diffraction (AXR D). AXR D reveals that a Pd enriched surfa ce layer is for med in the dealloyed film and a compressive latt ice strain exists in this Pd surfa ce layer. The enhanc ed ca talytic
activity of dea lloyed Pd e Cufi lm s for t he ORR is prima rily due to the comp ressive strain in the surfa ce
layer. We comp are the str uctu ree comp osition e catalytic activity relationship s in dealloyed Pde Cu thin
fi lms to related results on dealloyed Pte Cu thin fi lm s. These stud ies show that dea lloying and the
resulting struc ture and the ORR activity are depen dent on the nat ure of the nob le compon ent of alloy.

Journal of Power Sources 222 (2013) 169 -176